Thursday, October 11, 2007

Fibromyalgia and Memory Foam Mattresses.

Memory foam mattresses only have visco foam at the top, where the mattress comes in direct contact with your body. Visco memory foam is considered to be one of the softest foams on the market which explains why many neuro fibromyalgia sufferers have found pain relief on it. Foam however, is firmer than other available sleep surfaces... like feather mattresses, for example.

Mattress manufacturers also make different types of memory foam mattresses. Some are harder, for people preferring firmer sleeping surfaces, but many models are especially designed for people who prefer a soft-sleeping surface.

However, pain tolerance varies from sufferer to sufferer which is why a memory foam mattress will only provide pain relief for some people. Memory foam softens at body temperature, and only through sleeping on the mattress will you be able to tell whether its firmness or softness can provide you with some degree of pain relief.

The bottom line is this: many healthcare professionals and patients report that a memory foam mattress, pillow or mattress topper may help ease the pain caused by fibromyalgia. It can be a major investment for some people. However, a memory foam mattress does not need to automatically equate to "expensive". So, if you consider the lifespan of a memory foam mattress of more than 10-years, simple arithmetic will show that this mattress will cost you around 50-cents or less per night... proving it's well worth the money to enjoy comfort and pain relief on some of those nights.


bruce said...

Where is the best place to find really cheap beds? I've recently moved home but I am not sure how long I will be here (only renting) so I don't want to spend loads of money on a bed and mattress, just incase I end up having to throw it away.

bruce said...

Getting a memory foam mattress was definitley the best decision I've ever made. I mean, I know they are pretty expensive but the relief it's brought me for my sleep is priceless. I've suffered back pain for years now, but seriously 1 month sleeping on my new bed and life is feeling a lot brighter. For people looking for one, I know there are a lot of mattresses to chose from, so from my experience try avoiding the cheapest option and go for a mid-range one instead.

Judy said...

Three weeks ago we bought a posturepedic mattress (I believe it is the Bellafina which is about med-line)and I am miserable. My husband is about 260 pounds and I have fibromyalgia. Even though the salesperson knew how big my husband is we still ended up with a bad fit. In the morning we are in a big hole in the middle and I have severe back pain. I have to literally grab the edge of the bed and pull myself out. They are very expensive and I plan to take it back.

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